


Advocacy & Access

Project Sherni - Roaring for Women’s Health

smiling children at a Diabesties event

About Project Sherni

An average Indian woman faces an increased risk of diabetes, and experiences a significant decline in her quality of life due the condition. Project Sherni aims to raise diabetes awareness, improve access to care and treatment, and foster a more equitable healthcare ecosystem for women across India.

Impact Created

Women Empowered
Sessions Conducted
Regions Reached Across India

Awareness Sessions

The awareness sessions for Sherni are facilitated in 3 formats: 

  • DiabeStrees: 45 Minutes session on Diabetes prevalence & awareness for women
  • It Starts With Me: 45 Minutes session on self health advocacy strategies
  • Young Shernis: 45 Minutes session on menstrual health, consent & body image for young girls


Join Our Panel of Educators

If you have a background in diabetes care, psychology, lived experience with T1D, or as a T1D caregiver—and are passionate about supporting the T1D community—the Back to Basics program is the perfect way to make an impact!

Reach us out to learn more about the program and join our team!

Join Our Pride of Shernis

We are seeking individual volunteers and partnership opportunities that can help us in our mission to empower women across the country to take charge of their well being. Partner with us to create a ripple of change and challenge inequities.

A Glimpse into our Work

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